Friday, January 8, 2010


This past year was a crazy, busy, and wonderful year for us.  We welcomed our new baby boy Ammon into our family, moved to Tonopah, and got married this year.  Mike is still working for the Nevada Department of Transportation, he got hired on in a permanent position in October.  He comes home with all these fantastic stories that usually start with something like, "So, I almost got mopped by this Semi today..." which drives me crazy, but he enjoys his job.  I have been able to stay at home with both of the boys, and they keep me plenty busy.  I also recently started helping out our neighbor, who is the county's Deputy Public Administrator, fill out legal paperwork and sell the belongings of deceased people with no family.  Great job, huh? :) :)  Both of the boys have been growing like weeds.  Noah is almost 3 and is very oppinionated and imaginative.  He loves playing/watching Mario video games, playing in the snow, and wrestling with Mike.  We are working with potty training, and he does really well, up until its time to go back to visit his dad.  Ammon is my little wiggle worm.  He can roll both ways from back to belly and from belly to back, and often times will roll across the room.  He loves playing with daddy, giggling, blowing raspberries, and eating rice cereal.  It is very funny to watch him eat, he is like a little baby bird.  We have had a great year in 2009 and are looking forward to an even better year with 2010!!

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