Friday, January 8, 2010

Ammon Michael

Ammon Michael Campos was born August 30th at 4:31pm. He weighed 7lbs and 3oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. I woke up that morning and discovered my amniotic fluid was leaking, we went to the hospital to get things checked out, and they discovered through an ultrasound that my fluids were really low. We got admitted to Labor and Delivery and started on pitocin around 11:30 because I was not having any contractions on my own.  Around 3:30 I decided to get the epidural b/c the contractions were getting pretty painful, and at 4:31 he was born.  It was a very short an uneventful labor, and he was healthy with no major problems.  He has always been a sweet a mellow baby.  He is very social and loves to "talk" to anyone.  He smiles and giggles and loves to eat, just like his daddy. :)  He has been rolling over since about 2 1/2 months and now has even learned to roll across the floor.

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