Friday, March 30, 2012

I am claiming Temporary Insanity

Don't get me wrong, I love each and every one of my kiddos, they each carry a very important special role in our family, that being said, sometimes I wonder if maybe some one slipped some crack into my drink when I decided 3 kids under the age of 5 was a good idea. :)

There was a day last week where I woke up a little grouchy, and tired, (probably due to the fact that McKenna was going through a period of sleep regression and was waking up 3 times a night) but I remember having the distinct thought that I didn't even want to get out of bed that day, and well, reflecting back on that day, I probably should have just stayed in bed.

I went and woke the boys up, got their breakfast ready, Noah was eating, I was finding him clothes for school, and Ammon was laying in bed, grumpy, refusing to get up.  I went about the morning, Ammon grumbling every time I told him to go eat breakfast, or go to the bathroom.  I have learned its usually best to just let him be and let him decide when he wants to get up.  Well, after getting McKenna up, changed, and fed, Ammon comes toddling out of his bedroom to show me a "lump" in the ankle of his footie pajamas....which he cheerfully informs me is "poop."  Quick sniff check confirms he is telling the truth.  Some how, this very talented child of mine (I think he gets THIS particular talent of mischievousness from his FATHER) managed to poop in his diaper, than dump said contents into the feet of his footie pajamas all whilst keeping his diaper and footie pajamas on and intact.  Yup.  Impromptu bath then ensued, almost making Noah late for school.

Flash forward through the various "normal" craziness that usually fills our day, to after lunch.  I tell the boys it is time for nap time, and Noah goes into the bathroom, while Ammon insists he wants to finish his lunch even though he has taken no interest in eating for at least the last half hour.  Noah is in the bathroom for quite sometime.  Finally I decide that his time in the bathroom is surpassing a "normal" amount of time, and go to check to see what he is doing.  I peek around the bathroom door to see Noah kneeling on the stool in front of the up...hands placed on either side of the toilet bowl...face emerging from the toilet....lips dripping....for a moment I have NO WORDS.  Impromptu bath, mouth rinsing, and teeth brushing ensues....along with a lot of shouting on my part.  Still don't know what he was doing...I don't know if he was drinking out of the toilet or giving himself a swirly...either way, not something I expected my five year old to do....maybe Ammon, not Noah.  Good thing I had just cleaned the toilet.

Days like this my wonderful husband comes home to my rant of "Do you know what YOUR son(s) did today?!?" And then I usually have to laugh it off with him....after all if you can't laugh at yourself (or your crazy children) they will have to cart you off to the nut house eventually.

Some other things I have had to say this past week:

"Noah! Quit licking that! That is disgusting! Do you know how many peopl touch that with their germy hands! That is how you get sick!" (said when I discovered Noah licking the handle to the door at Taco Bell....maybe he was trying to build up his immunity??)

"No, Ammon! Don't touch that! You cannot eat something laying in a puddle in a parking lot!"

"Ammon get your hands out of your pants.  Noah get YOUR hands out of YOUR pants!"

"Noah get off the floor! That is so gross!" (in a public restroom...)

I could go on, and on, but you get the idea :)  Having kids is so utterly disgusting some times...

Here are a couple pictures of my crazy boys doing silly (and luckily not disgusting) things:

They did this all themselves...daddy would have let them sleep in the linen closet like they wanted to, but mean old mommy put her foot down.

Ammon fashioned himself a tortilla hat, and Noah followed suit. (Ps....Ammon is in pajamas at dinner because he had an impromptu bath after he BATHED himself in daddy's cologne, while daddy was in the shower, and I was feeing McKenna...)

1 comment:

Anne said...

I love your crazy family! I thought my kid was the only crazy who laid on the floor in gross places. Glad I'm not alone.